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Nick Fugate. Demand Forecasting. Energy Assessments Division
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Services Upper Airspace Control Centre CEC : Commission of the European Exchange Programme IEPR Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio IES : Interface
California Holtec and Areva California Joint Agencies Issue First SB 100 Report, and the CEC Approves Volumes I and III of the 2020 IEPR Update On March 15, 2021, the California Energy Commission (CEC), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) issued the first analysis of California’s 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018 (Senate Bill (SB) 100, De León, Chapter 312 In contrast, the CEC’s IEPR process is structured to thoroughly vet forecasting issues of a technical, and sometimes contentious, nature. Further, it is prudent to strive towards consistency and transparency in planning assumptions, which the CEC’s IEPR process provides. The IOUs’ 2017 IEPR submittals, in fact, represent a range of On March 16, 2021 the California Energy Commission released the Final Scoping Order for 2021 IEPR.
From a82569c9553ee8f327c1e3e88b107fa447ef4db4 Mon
4 page(s) CEC/Docket Unit: California Energy Commission: 227138: 2/21/2019: Memo to Open New Docket 1 page(s) CEC/Docket Unit: California Energy California Energy Commission: 230385: 10/28/2019: Proposed Scope of the 2019 Natural Gas Market Trends and Outlook Report *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 230392 *** - A presentation by Jennifer Campagna, from the CEC IEPR Presentations 11 page(s) CEC/Dockets: California Energy Commission: 230291: 10/18/2019 The California Energy Commission Lead Commissioner for the 2018 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update (2018 IEPR Update) and the Lead Commissioner for Siting, Offshore Wind Planning, and Tribal will conduct a workshop to hear and discuss the North Coast’s regional challenges, opportunities, and solutions to meet California’s climate and clean energy goals. ISO, CEC and CPUC planning and procurement process alignment Alignment of the transmission planning process with CEC Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR) demand forecast and CPUC Long Term Procurement Plan (LTPP) proceeding.
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This proceeding, docket # 21-IEPR-01, will cover the 2021 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update . Letter to CEC IEPR General Information 2 page(s) CEC/David Hochschild: Senator Henry Stern: 230920: 11/27/2019: Ygrene Energy Fund Comments - On Draft 2019 IEPR Report 3 page(s) CEC/Chair David Hochschild: Ygrene Energy Fund: 230909: 12/2/2019: Clean Coalition Comments - Clean Coalition Comments on CEC IEPR Workshop on Climate Adaptation IEPR CEC, energy data, energy efficiency, Existing Buildings Energy Action Plan, IEPR, strategic planning, webinars, weekly updates, workshops The California Energy Commission Lead Commissioner for the 2015 Integrated Energy Policy Report (2015 IEPR) will conduct a workshop on strategies related to data for improved decisions in the Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Draft Action Plan. East Bay Community Energy IEPR Resource Forecast 2019 TN-227805 Submitted 4/19/2019. Lancaster Choice Energy 2019 Electricity Resource Planning Forms TN-227802 Submitted 4/19/2019. Pioneer Community Energy Form S1 S2 S5 TN-227787 Submitted 4/19/2019.
222. Page 2. 2 forecast set in the integrated resource planning process and the investor owned
Jan 16, 2020 CAISO - PUBLIC.
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“There is growing consensus that building electrification is the most viable and predictable path to zero-emission buildings” (2018 IEPR) CEC Title 24 Building Code • 2020 code update creates an all-electric Source: California Energy Commission (CEC) demand forecast The CAISO uses load forecast provided by the CEC as part of it's Behind-the-meter PV installed capacity and AAEE peak impact provided by CEC as part of 2017 IEPR. 2013 IEPR. INTEGRATED ENERGY POLICY REPORT.
Meline, PE) IEPR Session 1 Part 4 (141 downloads).
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The CEC’s report will be taken into account by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC), which is conducting a separate proceeding under AB 2514 to determine appropriate energy storage targets for California’s investor On March 16, 2021 the California Energy Commission released the Final Scoping Order for 2021 IEPR. Download Document For more Information on the 2021 IEPR and the CEC have jointly prepared this Energy Action Plan II to identify the further actions necessary to meet California’s future energy needs.2 EAP II supports and expands the commitment to cooperation among state agencies embodied in the original EAP and reflected in the State’s coordinated actions over the past two years. 3 CEC IEPR, p.155.
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FLO Comments - on CEC's Draft IEPR - TN 236491 MOEV Comments - Adding Al-based Smart Charging - TN 236494 NRDC Comments - on the 2020 IEPR Update, Volume I - TN 236496 The California Energy Commission adopts an Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR, pronounced eye'-per) every two years and an update every other year. This proceeding, docket # 20-IEPR-01, will cover the 2020 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update. 2020 IEPR Update Scoping Order. Many components of the CEC IEPR demand forecast are broken out so that the distinct hourly profile of each of these factors can be represented explicitly in modeling. The components are 3 In the 2017-2018 IRP cycle, most of the demand data was extracted from IEPR Forms 1.1c, The California Energy Commission adopts an Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR, pronounced eye'-per) every two years and an update every other year. This proceeding, docket # 21-IEPR-01, will cover the 2021 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update. 2021 IEPR Scoping Order.